Events18.06.2020Foundation of the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah (“MEIS”) announces a call for applications for a two-year research grant on the topic of “Women in the history, culture and education of Italian Jews”. Pubblication date: 20/03/2020 Applications and research projects must be received at the Fondazione MEIS offices no later than 1:00 […]
Read moreWe Are Here
Events11.06.2020Join the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah – MEIS and 135 other museums and cultural institutions around the world for “We Are Here: A Celebration of Resilience, Resistance, and Hope” on Sunday, June 14 at 8:00 PM. Featuring award-winning media personalities Whoopi Goldberg, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Adrien Brody, Mayim Bialik, Jackie Hoffman, and Tiffany Haddish, world-renowned singers […]
Read moreJewish Italian Partisans, Young Resistance Fighters
Events30.04.2020They were youths, some studying at university, others still at their school desks. They were interested in love letters, writing short stories, going out with friends. In 1938, with the enactment of the racial laws, they were alienated from society, expelled from the universities and schools, and excluded from public life. These young people had […]
Read morePassover 5780 the long road to Freedom
Events07.04.2020The night between the 14th and 15th of the month of Nissan (this year coinciding with the 8th of April, after sunset) marks the start of Pesach, one of the most important and meaningful festivals of Judaism. Pesach recalls the Jewish people’s deliverance from slavery in Egypt, their exodus and dramatic crossing of the Red Sea — to freedom […]
Read moreThe latest MEIS’ exhibit “Ferrara ebraica” is now online
Events03.04.2020The National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah in Ferrara is temporarily closed because of the Coronavirus emergency. However, we remain committed to spreading the knowledge about Italian Jewish history and culture. Therefore, we are going “virtual.”The latest MEIS’ exhibit devoted to the Ferrara ebraica/Jewish Ferrara, one of the most important Jewish communities of […]
Read moreA concert for the 20th anniversary of the European Day of Jewish Culture
Events12.09.2019The National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Holocaust-MEIS in partnership with the Jewish community of Ferrara and the National Committee for the Centenary Celebrations of Primo Levi’s birth, will host a concert dedicated to Levi’s poetry. The Concert will be on September 15th (7.30 pm) at the Sala Estense. The theme of this year’s […]
Read moreFemale Voices from the Jewish Renaissance – Tuesday, July 25, 2019
Events19.07.2019MEIS BOOKSHOP (5.00 pm, free entrance) Four women, all of Sephardic heritage, will be united for the first time. The sole purpose of this ingathering is to give a new life and a new voice to Jewish women of the Renaissance. Our guests will bring to the MEIS old traditions, new ideas, philosophy, science and […]
Read moreJewish women and the world of art in Ferrara and in Mantua during the Renaissance
Events05.07.2019On July 11th (18:00 pm at MEIS Bookshop) Andreina Contessa, Director of the Historical Museum and Park of the Castle of Miramare (Trieste), and earlier Chief Curator of the U. Nahon Museum of Hebrew Italian Art in Jerusalem, will shed new light Jewish women who became art patrons, dealers and clients during the Renaissance. She will focus […]
Read moreEuropean Association of Jewish Choirs. A gala concert on Sunday 30th
Events28.06.2019The 7° edition of the European Jewish Choir Festival, organized by the Ha-Kol Choir of Rome and the European Association of Jewish Choirs (EUAJC), will end on Sunday 30th (8.30 pm, free admission with allocated seat. Tickets can be picked up at the Theatre ticket office starting at 7.00 pm) with an amazing gala concert hosted by the Municipal […]
Read moreJune 27-30, the seventh edition of the European Jewish Choir Festival in Ferrara
Events11.06.2019The seventh edition of the European Jewish Choir Festival will be hosted in Ferrara from Thursday, June 27 – Sunday, June 30, 2019. The Festival is organized by the Ha-Kol Choir of Rome and the European Association of Jewish Choirs (EUAJC), at the invitation of the MEIS and the ‘Claudio Abbado’ Municipal Theater. For days, the Theater and the Museum in Via […]
Read moreThe Renaissance at MEIS. Summer program 2019
Events31.05.2019THE RENAISSANCE SPEAKS HEBREW The exhibit, curated by Giulio Busi e Silvana Greco, addresses one of the key periods in the cultural history of the Italian Peninsula, a time that was decisive in forming the Italian identity. And it reveals a completely original aspect: the presence of the Jews and the fruitful dialog with the Christian majority. Significant […]
Read moreMay 19, 2019 – Jewish Book Festival: letters, books and personalities, from the Renaissance to David Grossman
Events06.05.2019Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah – MEISHOP (Via Piangipane, 81 – Ferrara) PROFILES OF ITALIAN JEWS – free admission 9:30 a.m. Gabriella Steindler Moscati, La mia vita incisa nell’arte. Una biografia di Emma Dessau Goitein (Mimesis, Milan, 2018). The author speaks with the art historian Martina Corgnati 10:15 a.m. Marcella Filippa, Rita Levi Montalcini. La signora delle cellule (Pacini Fazzi, Lucca, […]
Read moreThe Renaissance speaks hebrew
Events15.03.2019From 12th April to 15th September MEIS hosts the exhibit The Renaissance Speaks Hebrew, by Giulio Busi and Silvana Greco. The exhibit addresses one of the key periods in the cultural history of the Italian Peninsula, a time that was decisive in forming the Italian identity. It also reveals a completely original aspect: the presence of the Jews and […]
Read moreThanks to MEIS, Ferrara is the capital of over 40 countries involved in anti-Semitism and the Holocaust
Events30.11.2018“The most important fight, today, is the one against the distortion of the Holocaust, or the invention of a not true past. Many countries compete to tell us how much they fought against the Nazis, but in those same countries there were many collaborators. The extermination of the Jews, it is true, was conceived by […]
Read more27th-29th November, Shoah world experts meet in Ferrara
Events26.11.2018During the year of the Italian presidency, the city of Ferrara is hosting the second annual plenary assembly of the IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance), from the 27 to the 29 of November. The intergovernmental organization is formed by the delegation of 31 member countries as well as several observers and international partners. IHRA’s purpose is […]
Read more25th November, Batsheva Dance Company in Ferrara. Dance and Jewish culture at MEIS
Events21.11.2018Sunday, 25 November, MEIS and the Teatro Comunale organize a talk with Roberto Casarotto on “Dance in Jewish Culture“, taking advantage of the presence in Ferrara of the Batsheva Dance Company, and within this year’s dance season. Casarotto has been project director for the Center for Contemporary Scene in Bassano del Grappa and for Operaestate Festival Veneto. […]
Read more3rd November, “1938 – When we discovered we were no longer Italian”. The documentary film by Pietro Suber in Ferrara
Events31.10.2018Saturday 3 November, at 9.00 pm, at Cinema Santo Spirito (Via della Resistenza 7, Ferrara), screening of “1938 – When we discovered we were no longer Italian”, the documentary film by Pietro Suber that MEIS presents and sponsors on the occasion of 80th anniversary of the promulgation of the racial laws. The event is organized in […]
Read more“The Garden that doesn’t exist”. Dani Karavan exhibition – opening October 31st at MEIS
Events12.10.2018“Excuse me, could you tell us where the Finzi-Contini garden is?”. This is perhaps the question most frequently asked by tourists wandering around Ferrara. And it is always regrettable to answer that such a fascinating and enigmatic place, so lively in the novel by Giorgio Bassani and in the Oscar-winning film by Vittorio De Sica does […]
Read more26th October, “Ad Alta Voce” at MEIS
Events11.10.2018“Ad Alta Voce”,the festival organized by Coop Alleanza 3.0, takes place every year in symbolic places, urban spaces to meet and confront the voices and thoughts of contemporary authors. The theme of the 2018 edition is “Origins”. Friday, October 26, at 10.30, the theologian Vito Mancuso, the physicist Alessandro Treves and the psychologist and scholar of Cabalà Daniela Abravanel will dialogue […]
Read moreOctober 15th and 16th, Cinema Boldini: “1938 DIVERSI”, a film by Giorgio Treves
Events05.10.2018“Fascism can still return, in disguise. Our duty is to unmask it and to single out every new form. Every day, everywhere in the world” (Umberto Eco) On the 75th anniversary of the raid of Roman Jews and 80 years after the promulgation of the racial laws, the National Museum of Italian Judaism and Shoah – MEIS, in […]
Read more15th October, “The new frontiers of Jewish-Christian dialogue” at MEIS
Events04.10.2018Monday, October 15, at 17.30, the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah – MEIS welcomes the thirty-second edition of “Spirit of Assisi”, born in 1986 thanks to the Community of Sant’Egidio. As part of the “Ponti di Pace” international event, the meeting “The new frontiers of Jewish-Christian dialogue” is held at MEISHOP (Via Piangipane 81, […]
Read moreSunday 14 October, 19th European Day of Jewish Culture in Ferrara
Events03.10.2018On Sunday, October 14, on the occasion of the 19th European Day of Jewish Culture, the Jewish Community of Ferrara, in collaboration with the MEIS, offers a rich program of initiatives inspired by the theme for 2018: “Storytelling“. A reference to the very origins of Judaism, that root into the ‘stories’ narrated in the Torah, the […]
Read moreOctober 13 and 14, “Monumenti Aperti” at the MEIS
Events02.10.2018This year the event is devoted to the Twentieth century in Ferrara. For two days – on Saturday 13 from 10:00 am to 6:00 and on Sunday 14 from 2:00 to 6:00 pm – the students from the classes 2D e 2Y of the local “G. Perlasca Comprehensive School” will guide the pubblic to the discovery of the former prison in Via Piangipane. From the […]
Read moreChag Succot Sameach, happy Feast of Huts!
Events23.09.2018“And in the succoth (huts) you will reside for seven days” (Leviticus, 23:42). Succot, Feast of Tabernacles or Huts, marks a week of pure joy in the Jewish calendar. It begins on the 15th of the month of Tishri, 5 days after Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, and belongs to the Cycle of Solemn […]
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