25th November, Batsheva Dance Company in Ferrara. Dance and Jewish culture at MEIS

Sunday, 25 November, MEIS and the Teatro Comunale organize a talk with Roberto Casarotto on “Dance in Jewish Culture“, taking advantage of the presence in Ferrara of the Batsheva Dance Company, and within this year’s dance season.
Casarotto has been project director for the Center for Contemporary Scene in Bassano del Grappa and for Operaestate Festival Veneto. He is involved in several international projects, developing initiatives that support artistic research, mobility and development in the field of dance. From 2015 to 2017 Casarotto has been artistic director for the Ballet of Rome.
Simonetta Della Seta, MEIS Director, will be in conversation with him at 11.00 am, in the MEISHOP of Via Piangipane 81. Free entry.
On the very same day at 6.00 pm at the Teatro Comunale “Claudio Abbado” (Corso Martiri della Libertà 5), the Batsheva Dance Company, the company founded by Martha Graham and Baroness Batsheva de Rothschild in 1964 and today considered one of the most important contemporary dance ensembles in the world, will be on stage with “Last Work” to mark its debut in Ferrara.
Ohad Naharin creation, with the original music by Grischa Lichtenberger, will be presented as a national exclusive, with the support of MEIS and “Israel 70. Celebrating innovation”.
The pièce is precise, delicate, calligraphic. In a crescendo without interruptions, it explores movement as the most human and moving performing art. In the distance, a woman runs on a treadmill and her non-stop run traces the timeline of the repeating story. The images generated by the eighteen dancers are powerful and destined to remain etched forever in the public’s memory.
For information on tickets, click here.
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